1)Susan Lowe-essiejesse@aol.com Very inolved in the early COY's research, and STEELE research in Greene Co. 2)Linda Morris-no email at present SCHNEPP and ancestors of the maternal family 3)Diana Gale Matthiesen-DianaGM@dgmweb.net Schnepp sisters maternal ancestor information 4)Lou Laudebaugh-wlaud@ix.netcom.com Over 10 Greene Co. family surname connections Cosler,Wolfe,Putterbaugh,Zimmerman,Durnbaugh 5)Robert Weller-rwgenenut@aol.com- Many Greene Co. family connections-Funderburg,Hawker,Swigert,Putterbaugh,Zimmerman,Aley I have sevearl more GREENE Co. kindred researchers who I have been in touch with .They will be added